Ed Talks 4.0
Redefining Risk Management The fourth in a series of educational talks featuring Rochester thought leaders on risk management issues concerning employers. Compliance with Communication Standards in the NYS WC Arena Andrew J. Ryan, Esq. Partner, Woods Oviatt Gilman,...
Ed Talks 3.0
Redefining Risk Management The third in a series of educational talks featuring Rochester thought leaders on risk management issues concerning employers. Lifting the Burden of Your Employee’s Shoulder Pain: Orthopedic Treatment Under the NYS WC Guidelines Stephanie E....
ED Talks 2.0
Redefining Risk Management The second in a series of educational talks featuring respected Rochester thought leaders on risk management issues concerning employers. A Surgeon’s Perspective Regarding Spinal Fusions and the WCB’s Medical Treatment Guidelines M. Gordon...
ED Talks 1.0
Different Viewpoints on Workers’ Compensation The first in a new series of talks on Workers’ Compensation Law 2015 and its practical implications, presented by Nicosia Law, P.C. A Treating Physician’s Perspective Regarding the WCB’s New York Non-Acute Pain Medical...